Saturday, August 22, 2015

Why I Am Voting for Ted Cruz: Forward

For the next few weeks I will be posting brief arguments for why I have decided to vote for—and campaign for—Ted Cruz. I want to be clear: my position that the race for the Presidency is an over-blown beauty pageant has not changed.  Congressional and local elections are more important to the lives of every-day Americans than Presidential elections. However, that argument only works when we have a President and Congress willing to abide by the Constitution. Sadly, that has not been the case for many years.

Senator Cruz enjoys the financial backing of many Americans, some of whom happen to have a great deal of money to spend on campaigns. You and I are not fortunate enough to have disposable income of that nature. Even a $25 donation to his campaign might strain your budget.  I’m here to tell you that asking questions, engaging in conversation, and spreading the Senator’s message are just as valuable as dollars during this stage of the campaign. By all means, if you can donate, please do so. However, please know that the donation the Senator really wants, and that I feel this country needs, is the donation of your endorsement today and your vote in the primary.

Information about Ted Cruz, his proposed policies, and his positions on issues, are taken directly from the Senator’s stump speeches and website.  While I welcome your questions  and/or comments, I reserve the right to remove any comments on the blog or my Facebook page which are derogatory or slanderous.

I am not a paid member or official volunteer for the Cruz campaign.  All opinions expressed in this post and those that follow are my own unless otherwise attributed. I receive no financial remuneration for my endorsement.

Here is a tentative outline of my posts, each dealing with a specific issue or set of issues. I will update this post with links to the appropriate entries when they are posted.

1. Constitutional Conservatism
2. Foreign Policy & Defense
3. Foreign Policy & Immigration
4. Religious Liberty
5. Trade and the Economy
6. Right to Life
7. Tax policy
8. Education

Friday, August 07, 2015

Arizona Election Commission Decision

On June 29th, 2015 the US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that Arizona’s commission to draw state Congressional districts was not a violation of Article I Section 4 of the US Constitution. This news drew frowns of concern from many a political and policy wonk, but barely a whisper from the general public. Sadly, the majority of the population was still chattering about the same-sex marriage ruling—oblivious to the fact that the “Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission” ruling will prove a far more troubling precedent to our every-day lives. 

I Tweeted and mentioned on Facebook my concerns over the ruling and was subsequently invited to speak on the issue for the July 1st edition of “The Red Whine Show”. You can listen to the broadcast here:

At first glance it would seem that this decision is a win for democracy, especially for grass-roots movements frustrated with establishment politics who entrench themselves through gerrymandered districts. As is all too often the case, the devil is truly in the details. The Commission was enacted via a ballot initiative, which succeeded 56%-44%, during the 2000 election. It was immediately challenged by the Arizona legislature as a clear violation of the US Constitution and has been tied up in the court system until the SCOTUS ruling in June of this year. The Commission’s stated purpose was to remove partisan politics from the redistricting process in order to prevent gerrymandering.  Again, an entirely noble goal and one that so simply stated should have passed by a far wider margin.

One of the reasons the vote was not a unanimous victory was due to well stated opposition that pointed out an essential flaw with the commission (beyond it’s blatant disregard for Constitutional law): that removing politics and party matters from an election process is not only counter-intuitive, but Quixotic.  The very make-up of the commission lends itself to partisan manipulation. The first four members are appointed by the four most powerful people in the Arizona state legislature—the very people the voters wanted removed from the redistricting process— the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, the Minority Party Leader of the Arizona House of Representatives, the President of the Arizona State Senate and the Minority Party Leader of the Arizona State Senate. Those four appointees will then choose a fifth and final member who will chair the commission.  Further rules include: no more than two of the members can be from the same political party or the same county. Persons would be eligible for membership on the commission if they meet certain voter registration requirements, and if during the last three years, they have not been candidates for public office or appointed to public office, except for school board members or officers, have not served as an officer of a political party or as an officer of a candidate's election committee and if they have not been a paid lobbyist.

The most naive of observers will note that changing a party registration is a simple matter that does not affect one’s actions once in office.  That makes the “balancing” of the parties on the commission nothing more than a sop to voters. Rules regarding previous employment are likewise little more than polite window-dressing. Nothing in the regulations state that a commission member cannot have been a member of a House or Senate member’s staff in the past three years, or even the last month! The three year time limit itself seems questionable also, as districts are re-drawn after every US Census, or, every ten years.  A member of Congress re-districted right out of his or her seat could very well strong arm his or her way onto the next commission and be within the rules.

After going through the mental gymnastics of creating a “non-partisan” election commission, the initiative then sets out rules for how districts are to be drawn.  Again, these, at first glance, sound perfectly reasonable and eminently democratic.

1. Districts shall comply with the United States Constitution and the federal Voting Rights Act. 2. Both legislative and congressional districts shall be equal in population, to the extent practicable. This establishes a new strict population equality standard for legislative districts. 3. Districts shall be geographically compact and contiguous, as much as practical. 4. District boundaries shall respect "communities of interest," as much as practical. 5. District lines shall follow visible geographic features, and city, town and county boundaries and undivided "census tracts" as much as practical. 6. Political party registration, voting history data and residences of incumbents and other candidates may not be used to create district maps. 7. "Competitive districts" are favored if competitive districts do not significantly harm the other goals listed.

Well, #1 is already void but we’ll review that in just a moment. Points 2 and 3 seem reasonable enough. Number 4 however gets dicey, as “communities of interest” starts fiddling with VRA language. Also, do you respect communities of interest more than keeping districts compact geographically? What’s the priority there?  The real quandary, though, comes with points #6 and #7.  In fact, #7 directly contradicts #6 because you cannot have a “competitive district”, or even know that a district IS competitive without analyzing voting history data. To be honest, these guidelines sound like they were written by a 7th grade social studies class trying to create the perfect democracy and without any idea of how our democratic Republic actually works.

Finally we come to the most glaring issue: all of this is in direct contradiction of the US Constitution. I feel like the lady in the insurance commercial telling her friend “That’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works!”  When we need to decide how to draw Congressional districts there is (or, there was) very simple guidance:

Article I Section 4
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations

A ballot initiative is not a legislature, it is a plebiscite. Sadly, Justice Ginsburg, writing for the majority, decided to go on an erroneous tangent about the history of democracy in America rather than address the clear language and Constitutional precedent regarding Article I. She cherry-picks quotes from historians to claim that “the Framers would not have imagined the modern initiative process in which the people’s legislative power is coexistent with the state legislatures.” Firstly, I do believe the Framers were intimately aware of plebiscites and their power—and they were rightly afraid of the “whims of mob rule”. Secondly, we are a democratic, legislative, Republic.  We are not a democracy. The Right Honorable Justice needs to review not only her early American History but her basic civics. Allowing fundamental changes in the framework of government to be enacted by a basic ballot initiative is a dangerous road to travel.

Which is why, of course, the Framers of the Constitution made sure that the process for amending the Constitution required strenuous debate and agreement by a super-majority of elected representatives in either the Congress or a convention of states.  They’d lived through the tumultuous pre-Revolutionary days in Boston and Philadelphia, when it seemed a riot might break out at a single word. Although the world had not yet witnessed the rise of populist demagogues in the French Revolution, or in Nazi Germany, Madison and Morris knew well the power of words upon men’s souls.  They were determined to prevent “mob rule” and let “cooler heads prevail” through series of “checks and balances” not only in the system of government itself, but in the very document which outlined and defined the government.

The sad fact of the Arizona decision, and why I say that it affects our every-day lives far more than the same-sex marriage ruling, is that it has de-facto removed the need to amend the US Constitution.  After all, the original text of Article I had US Senators being appointed by state legislatures.  That was changed by the 17th Amendment. The idea to have a popular election of Senators was first introduced in the 1820’s but the amendment movement didn’t gain steam until the turn of the 20th century. The 17th Amendment in it's final form was finally introduced in 1911 and fully ratified in April of 1913. How sad that the supporters went through all that trouble, when all they need to have done was have a plebiscite and then a Supreme Court decision that re-interpreted the meaning of “legislature”!

Once again, we have a SCOTUS ruling that “interprets” clear language to fit the demands of the current populace. But it is not a majority of Americans who demanded that their legislators be removed from the redistricting process.  It was not, even, a super-majority (2/3) of those voting in Arizona during the 2000 election. Because of how precedence works in American law, though, there is now an opening for other states to follow suit, not just on this matter but a host of others.

We are increasingly ruled by the dogmatic whims of nine unelected persons rather than by the careful, reasoned debate of our elected representatives. (Yes, I know that careful, reasoned, debate out of Washington is hard to come by these days. At least we have recourse when they fail so spectacularly at their jobs.)  If we, the people, are so offended by the gerrymandered districts in our states and commonwealths, we have a duty to vote those who drew those districts out of office.  Sadly, for the people of Arizona, that is no longer an option.  Citizens of Arizona no longer have a say in who draws their voting districts, and there is, now, nothing stopping your state from doing the exact same thing. 

I don’t know about you, but some un-elected, un-accountable, partisan hack deciding how, when, and who I get to vote for scares me a whole hell of a lot more than whom my neighbor might decide to marry.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

A Haunted Nation

There’s an article going `round my newsfeed purporting to be reasons why a Christian woman supports Planned Parenthood. Having read it, I can only wonder at the author’s definition of Christianity. Our Lord left us with but two commandments: Love the Lord Thy God above all else, and love each other.

We are not loving each other when we take a life.  We are not loving each other when we present a mother with Solomon’s verdict when it comes to her future. How can we adore our God yet callously destroy his greatest creation—an innocent, defenseless, microcosm of his love? Yes there are times when we must terminate a pregnancy in order to save the life of the mother.  Those are soul-wrenching, faith-shaking, decisions that cannot be undertaken lightly, for there are consequences whenever you take a life.

And that: there are consequences whenever you take a life—is something that we’ve forgotten in our society today.  We’ve declared that abortion is a health decision that is none of our business and in doing so we’ve tried to wash our hands of our collective sin.

My fellow citizens, no matter what your faith, or if you have no faith at all, you must understand that abortion is not recourse from consequences but a creator of so many more. There are the very real physical scars left by repeated abortions, abortions done on teenagers, and those that are done hurriedly or incorrectly. There are the emotional scars caused by the guilt, the fluctuating hormones of a suddenly-not-pregnant body, and the uncertainty surrounding the decision to abort.  There are the community scars of entire demographics being whittled down by low-cost abortions used as birth control and the very real cost in dollars of paying for these services.

We are haunted by the millions of lives snuffed out before they had a chance to begin. If these Planned Parenthood videos are too hard for you to watch—good. You should be sickened by the ghoulish scenes. However medically correct it may be, the term “products of conception” is far too dry and soulless. Whatever the final use for the dismembered babies might be, cancer research, DNA sequencing, or some other marvel of our time, we need to find a way to advance that field without collecting the lives of innocents. There also need to be low-cost, well regulated adoptions in this country.  It is a travesty that we can provide a cheaper end to life than a home for a needy child.

We need to have more heart and soul in this discussion if we are to be less haunted as a society. We need to be more Christian, love each other more, and declare that all life matters.  This Christian woman will not, can not, support Planned Parenthood.